Paper Products Donation Drive
By Captain JJ Cullen
September 20, 2023

Over the next few weeks we are participating in a paper products donation drive for the Ronald McDonald House Pittsburgh & Morgantown. If you’ve ever been a part of, or know a family that has, you’ll know that the Ronald McDonald houses are an amazing charity that supports families that are going through health issues. They house families with sick children in the hospital absolutely free and they rely on donations to operate. We are very honored to be a small part and do our best to collect as much as possible. You can drop off paper products (paper plates, bowls, cups, utensils, napkins, toilet paper, or paper towels) at our social hall on Tuesdays during bingo, or any evening when firefighters are at the station. Additionally, you can message our page, or contact any member to coordinate any other time to drop off and help us collect as much as possible!